Now a week pales in comparison to what those lovely gals did. But let's be honest. I'm a super busy mom with little ones. I'm going to be detoxing my body. {Wait before you yell at me because I'm nursing and detoxing.}I'm going to be sluggish and might feel like a train hit me for a few days. Heck, I might even go into caffeine convulsions from lack of caffeine.
But with strength, I'll be able to do it.
Heck, Jesus did it for 40 days in the desert. I
{I know, I'm not Jesus, but if my Savior can do it, I can do it. I'm determined. Stubborn even.}
Now to the details.
I know nursing and fasting/detoxing is not recommended. And there is so much more conflicting opinion and data out there, that I'm sure we'll just have to agree to disagree. I'm taking a this stance. Everything that will be coming out of me, she's already eaten through my milk. She's over one year old, so if she decides she doesn't like something coming out of my milk, she can decide to not drink it. I have pumped milk stored in the freezer. Even breastmilk that has toxins in it is still better than formula ANYWAY!
So what will I be drinking?
Fresh smoothies, Naked smoothies, Juices from fresh vegetables and fruits, and yogurt. Oh and cold soups.Yes, you read that correctly. Yogurt. Because while I'm detoxing my body, I'm going to need the beneficial probiotics of the yogurt to help balance my gut.
Why a week?
Because I am not a saint. Just kidding. I'm only going a week because I'm not sure if I can do longer than that. I am giving up coffee and sugar and food. So seriously, I'm going to need some serious intervention. But I've been praying about this and the more I pray and meditate with God, the more I feel like this is what my body needs to get itself back on track.Why have I decided to do this?
I need to "shock" my system to start fresh. I need to overflow my body with the nutrients it needs in a most viable form so that my body will start working with me and not against me. It has been proven several times over that fasting is beneficial to your overall health. I'll be giving my body everything it needs, while not making it work harder to process the junk. It will get a chance to balance and restore, which it so greatly needs.Scripture I will be repeating to help me through this.
Like I've mentioned, I'm not a saint. I don't pretend to be. But I know that with my determination and faith I can come through this a better person. Plus, I have like 10 people holding me accountable. So instead of focusing on how hungry or tired I'll feel, I'm going to instead quote the following scripture in my times of weakness.Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”

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